Weaver Gallery are specialist in all kinds of picture framing. We hold stock of a wide range of frames and card backings to give your pictures the stunning finish that they deserve.


We frame wedding photos, school photos, graduation photos, portraits, limited edition prints to conservation standard, delicate water colours, oil on board, tapestries, papyrus, as well as any object D’art or memorabia item.


Our team have the attention to detail and quality of service that you only get from a specialist bespoke picture framer and whats more we have competitive pricing that will surprise you!


Why should Weaver Gallery be your No.1 picture framing choice? Picture framing is an art, it is a skilled art. Good picture framing is a mixture of recognised training and experience, tinged with flair, imagination and good working hands.

As such, picture framing has a governing body:- The Fine Art Trade Guild (www.fineart.co.uk). This body lays down exacting standards of picture framing, and supplies brochures depicting these standards, available from The Fine Art Trade Guild.

The Fine Art Trade Guild sets out a code of ethics for picture framing, which members must abide by.


Our membership of the Guild ensures that your sports memorabilia, pictures, canvasses, photographs, and more, will receive the best possible service and that you will be delighted with the results!


Please call us on 01606 871191 to discuss your requirements.

<< Multi-Aperature Frames. Get creative and arrange your photos within one frame or even on different levels.

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